Welcome to Room 20's Blog Page! The children have been using Word to do their paired writing once a week. This term they will be blogging their draft writing so that students, teachers, parents, grandparents and more can enjoy reading it. In most cases it will remain a draft and won't be edited. The children and I look forward to reading your comments in the near future. Please also visit Room 20's class web page @ http://www.meadowbank.school.nz

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Cameron the hungry frog

Once upon a time a frog called Cameron lived in a big,big pond. He was very, very hungry and he caghat some bugs.

Harriet the frog

Once upon a time there was a frog called Harriet. He likte to li

Sophie the frog

One morning Sophie waked up and she had chikin poks. She screemed all over the plays. She told her frieds.