Welcome to Room 20's Blog Page! The children have been using Word to do their paired writing once a week. This term they will be blogging their draft writing so that students, teachers, parents, grandparents and more can enjoy reading it. In most cases it will remain a draft and won't be edited. The children and I look forward to reading your comments in the near future. Please also visit Room 20's class web page @ http://www.meadowbank.school.nz
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Our trip to Arataki
When we went to Arataki we did dab dab sniff sniff scratch scratch but when we
got there we had morning tea and lunch there as well. After our walk we went
into the visitor centre we had fun!
got there we had morning tea and lunch there as well. After our walk we went
into the visitor centre we had fun!
Our Assembly
We went to the hall. I liked the movie. It was cool! At the end we danced the Pukeko stomp.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
The rabit & the worm
One day a rabbit saw a worm . And the worm said i like your ears thank you said the .Rabbit.they played,played they had a nap the cat wok up .And aet the worm.
In the farm
Kaela and Natalya went to the farm. There is a horse. there is a cow . there is a sheep. there is a pig. There is a ribit. you can hold a rabbit. you can ride a horse. butterfly can go on yhead.our
in the weekend
on sunday my family went to our beach house. for the day. we went down to the beach to play soccer. and we played top middle bottom with a tennes ball. we went to the 3 bay the 3 bay is pippy bay. we waiked there. we all had a swim. we took the boogy board. my mum and dad din't have a boogy bord. so they wear holding me for a little bight. we went fishing. then we went home.
Monday, November 19, 2007
In a dark dark world
Once upon a time their was a dark, dark Kingdom and in that dark, dark Kingdom there was a dark, dark hall .There was a staircase up that dark, dark room with no light and in that dark,dark room their was a dark, dark seeling andon that dark, dark seeling there was dark,dark lightbolbthat didin't work and in that dark,dark lightbowlb there was a goblen.
Our week end
In the week end Hunter played with his fire lego. Hunter made a fire truck. The fire truck had a hows . In the week end Angela went to chinis class. Angela went with Jacqueline.We had a fun week end!!!
We went to Cricket and we had fun. We are the wite teme. Tom's dad is the coch. We do bacwid hits. We are wining this yer. The ferst time we got a cap and a cricet elbin to poot cards in and we got clothse and now we get cards and we haft to get 16 ov
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Room24, Room23, Room25 went to Arataki our helpers were Kim and Louise.
The bit we liked was the movie. We had a walk throoe the forrest.
It was cool!
The bit we liked was the movie. We had a walk throoe the forrest.
It was cool!
Monday, November 12, 2007
The crismis party (The Christmas Party)
One dayat natalya houes we are haveing a crismi s party. santaclors is coming he will give us some presints. You can rite a list of the things what you whant.
One day at Natalya's house we are having a Christmas party. Santa Claus is coming, he will give us some presents. You can write a list fo the things that you want.
One day at Natalya's house we are having a Christmas party. Santa Claus is coming, he will give us some presents. You can write a list fo the things that you want.
in the weekend
On saturdayHamish's dad did some fireworks. Henry and louise and me and patrick were doing sparklers.by Hamish On sunday my dad said that . I can have a rabbat it is only one white and black rabbat.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
the kingfisher
It has blue fethers. It is 500 years old.The kingfisher is really big. it makes a funney noiws.
The birthday
On Wednesday it was Kaela's birthday. We had some cupcakes.
On wednsday Wafa panted some dogs.
On wednsday Wafa panted some dogs.
catapiller grow in to cocooc then a cocoon go black then cocoon crack and then a butterfly comes out.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Kiwi birds
The Kiwi bird is native to New Zealand. It has a long beak and brown feathers.It has short legs, it can not fly.It lives in dark places. It likes to eat insects and fruit.
Kiwi birds
The Kiwi bird is native to New Zealand. It has a long beak and brown feathers.It has short legs, it can not fly.It lives in dark places. It likes to eat insects and fruit.
Kiwi birds
The Kiwi bird is native to New Zealand. It has a long beak and brown feathers.It has short legs, it can not fly.It lives in dark places. It likes to eat insects and fruit.
yellow hed bird
A yellow hed bird is mostly yellow. It is a native bird to NZ. It has a little bit of black on its frunt. It eats beres like tuis. we hav a groop of yellow hed birds. kaela is in the yellow hed birds and kaelas birthday.
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Guy Fawkes Night
Me and Preston and Mummy went to Uncle Beza's house. we did fireworks. We had sparklers.
Guy Fawkes Night
Last nite My house caught on Fire beKose (because) the fireworks tacht (touched) the roof. The loud noise kept Holly awake.
Monday, November 5, 2007
fia werks (Fireworks

me and my mam went to the soopa mrkt we brort fia werks and sparklis too I brort fia werks too at the morning I went to my frends hows . By tom A
I play chest wed dad its term 4 now I like fia werks by june
I play chest wed dad its term 4 now I like fia werks by june
Me andmy mum went to the supermarket. We bought fireworks and sparklers too. In the morning I went to my friend's house. By Tom A.
I played chess with Dad. It's Term 4 now. I like fireworks. By June
Musim (Museum)
I went to the Musam we had Lot ` s of fun and we saw an net we had a
great time! . and
great time! . and
Thursday, November 1, 2007
The ferst day of November
Today is the ferst day November . yestoday it was October and it is 6 morsa slees and then it is my birthday it is kaela. My vrert manth is februa.My faivrert manth is December.
Today is the first day of November. Yesterday it was October and it is 6 more sleeps and then it is my birthday. It is Kaela's. My favourite month is February. My favourite month is December.
Today is the first day of November. Yesterday it was October and it is 6 more sleeps and then it is my birthday. It is Kaela's. My favourite month is February. My favourite month is December.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Monday, October 29, 2007
com ing to my hous
nona is coming to my hous I am asitid it is fun its very fun we like aw chada Ifingk ther is sam presints I wanda wot klos hse klos it is fun.
Ross kinyards
Ross cam to meadowbank School Ross is a ilansrter.He draw
(Ross Kinnaird came to Meadowbank School. Ross is an illustrator. He draws pictures in books.)
(Ross Kinnaird came to Meadowbank School. Ross is an illustrator. He draws pictures in books.)
Thursday, October 25, 2007
ross kinnard
on thursday we went to the hall. we saw all the starrys he rite. He read one of the starrys. ross came to drue. the druings are going to the libry.
Ross Kinnard
On Thursday we went to the hall to see . Ross Kinnyard he d rowed some pichers one of them were funny. It was the one of mis Jacsein.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Cameron the hungry frog
Once upon a time a frog called Cameron lived in a big,big pond. He was very, very hungry and he caghat some bugs.
Sophie the frog
One morning Sophie waked up and she had chikin poks. She screemed all over the plays. She told her frieds.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Miss Steptoe - the hungry Frog
The frog called Harriet
One day a frog saw a bee. She thought it was a fly in dress ups. She ate it all up. Mmm, yum. Then she had a nap in the sun.
Molly and Bob
Molly and Bob were frogs and they were friends. The flies came close up to them and Molly and Bob caught them with their long, slimey tongues.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
We went on a bug hunt
Our bug hunt.
we went to the gully

we went too the gully we fuod mud and leefs a bee in the pot it is fun . bug hant we kach a bug it is a big bag it wos relee rllee frst guly we haf los of luck room 24 went too the gully.
(We went to the gully. We found mud and leaves. We put a bee in the pot. It is fun bug hunting. We caught a bug, it is a big bug. It was really, really fast.. We had lots of luck. Room 24 went to the gully.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
The halloween party.
The cat and bird
the rugby werld cup
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Witch and the mouse
Monday, October 15, 2007
The snake and the Crocodile
One daY a snake a saw a crocodile. the Crocodile chsd the snake in the beoch.
The Snake and the Lizard
one day a snake saw a lizard. It was note. The snake bit the lizard it was rely note.
The liza
The liza
The Snake and Mummy
One dark nght a sljtaery snake wrigldupto mum while she was cooking. the snak slivide
Thursday, October 11, 2007
The spider and the bird
oen drak nit a big bia an a sjig rey sjak fritd a big beb wos dedi .
(One dark night a big bird and a spider found a big ? He was dead.)
(One dark night a big bird and a spider found a big ? He was dead.)
in the foris (In the forest)
one drk rani nit a berd wos in a tree then the berd saw a msxeto by her
nest the
One dark rainy night a bird was...
nest the
One dark rainy night a bird was...
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
one sunny day
One sunny day a weter saw a worm. I like how you slithered, thank you said the worm. then the worm slithered closer and
(One sunny day a weta saw a worm. "I like how you slithered". "Thank you", said the worm. Then the weta.....
(One sunny day a weta saw a worm. "I like how you slithered". "Thank you", said the worm. Then the weta.....
The Spider and a fly
One snowy day a spider saw a fly in it's web. Do you need some help asked the spider? Yes please
said the fly and the spider came closer and closer until she wraped him up in silk and she
ate him for lunch.
said the fly and the spider came closer and closer until she wraped him up in silk and she
ate him for lunch.
The fly and a spider
One snowy day a spider saw a fly in its web. Do you need some help asked the spider?
Yes please said the fly, the spider came closa.
One snowy day a spider saw a fly in its web. Do you need some help asked the spider?
Yes please said the fly, the spider came closa.
The cat and the butterfliy
One hot day a cat saw a biack and yellow butterfliy. The cat said I like your wings so the butterfliy came closer ,clowser. How do you fliy said the cat/? Ifiap my wings. shoed the cat the cat jumped up and ate it.
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
The spider and the fly
One morning a spider saw a fly by his web. He wanted to eat him. The fly got stuck and the spider ate him.
In the gully
One sunny sunny day a cat and a beetle were in the gully. "I like your colour" said the cat. The beetle was happy. "Thank you" said the beetle "and I like your creeping" he said to the cat. Then the cat jumped to the beetle and ate the beetle. "Very tasty" said the cat.
One morning
There was a little girl, her name was Emma. She saw a giant cat. It scared the dogs it gobbled all the birds up one by one.
The bird and the mosketle
one afternoon a bird was looking very kefely at a mosquito and she jamped ,and jamped and the bird didnt get the mosquito.
the butterfly and the cat
One morning a cat saw a butterfly. "I like your flutter" said the cat and the butterfly flew closer, and...closer........until pounce ...chew... chew...gulp. The next day the cat died.
the cat and the tui.
At erly morning a cat wos walking throo the Gully and the
cat saw a tui the cat sied to the tui I klie yor wite feathers.
cat saw a tui the cat sied to the tui I klie yor wite feathers.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
the botancloo grined 's (The Botanical Gardens)
We went to the botancloo grined 's. It was fun I no it was going to be fun .
(We went to the Botanical Gardens. It was fun. I knew it was going to be fun.)
(We went to the Botanical Gardens. It was fun. I knew it was going to be fun.)
raby (Rubgy)
the all blacks are in franc. they are varsing itley for the wardcup i thik the all blacks are going to win.
(The All Blacks are in France. They are versing Italy for the World Cup. We think the All Blacks are going to win.)
(The All Blacks are in France. They are versing Italy for the World Cup. We think the All Blacks are going to win.)
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Room 24 went down into the staffroom to watch a tivivie video.It was very intresting.Only ladies can make tivivie.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Fibres made by people
Fishing linn is maed From Nilon. Pepol mak Parachute awt of nilon.
(Fishing line is made from nylon. People make parachutes out of nylon.)
(Fishing line is made from nylon. People make parachutes out of nylon.)
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
paper is made from trees
Making paper
Monday, September 10, 2007
how to play green eggs and ham
How to play Monopaly (Monopoly)
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Eating the coconut
Some people from room 18 were eating coconut and we wached. It can be dangerist for little children.
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Kiri's Quilt retelling
wad day Kirj and mum and Dad cradi . To day kirj see a in bed.
One day Kiri and mum and dad cried. Today Kiri slept in a bed.
One day Kiri and mum and dad cried. Today Kiri slept in a bed.
Kiri's Quilt - A retelling
Grandma died. it was sad. they got a quijt.theywuhapey.
(Grandma died, it was sad. They got a quilt. They were happy.)
(Grandma died, it was sad. They got a quilt. They were happy.)
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Monday, September 3, 2007
To Caiti
When: Friday
Where: Room 24
Time: 1:oo
I want to show you my piyrit.
From Asta.
When: Friday
Where: Room 24
Time: 1:oo
I want to show you my piyrit.
From Asta.
To : Fynn
When :Friday 7 September
Where: Room 24
Time: 1:00
I would like you to come to our classroom to look at my story writing book.
From James
When :Friday 7 September
Where: Room 24
Time: 1:00
I would like you to come to our classroom to look at my story writing book.
From James
To ;Erin
When ; Friday 7 september
where ;Room 24
I would like to show you a computer game.
From Thomas
When ; Friday 7 september
where ;Room 24
I would like to show you a computer game.
From Thomas
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Karen came to our class
Fabrics from South America
To Chines Class
Monday, August 27, 2007
In the weekend
In the weekend
I weat to my sokat i kitk a gow i kitk free gow.
On Sunday I wet to the sdhoping and Ipud kloz from my sieeddqah.
I went to my soccer. I kicked a goal. I kicked three goals. (Natalya)
On Sunday I went shopping and I bought clothes for my sister. (Raeesa)
On Sunday I wet to the sdhoping and Ipud kloz from my sieeddqah.
I went to my soccer. I kicked a goal. I kicked three goals. (Natalya)
On Sunday I went shopping and I bought clothes for my sister. (Raeesa)
In the weekend
I maed a book the book was cold I like and I maed a book mark it hade a titil.
I made a book, the title was called 'I Like'. I made a bookmark and it had a title.
I made a book, the title was called 'I Like'. I made a bookmark and it had a title.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
The Gorilla
To mrs Durkin I Hope you have a nies time.
(To Mrs Durkin, We hope you have a nice time with the gorilla.)
(To Mrs Durkin, We hope you have a nice time with the gorilla.)
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Going to the Senior Side
We wento the senior side.
(We went to the Senior side to see Mrs Hernandez.)
(We went to the Senior side to see Mrs Hernandez.)
Cross Country
Liam Got a naba on his hand and he went wth mi mum.
(Liam got a number on his hand and he went with my mum.)
(Liam got a number on his hand and he went with my mum.)
Room 4 Volcanoes
Room 4 and Mrs Duncan shod us volcanos.
(Room 4 and Mrs Duncan showed us volcanoes.)
(Room 4 and Mrs Duncan showed us volcanoes.)
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
June came to our class
We have a new person in our class. He is called June. June is good at folding his arms and legs. It's exciting to have a new person in our class.
Friday, August 10, 2007
We like gymnastics
We like jnaxstix. we worc on the been. we run and then we jump on the champlny. Then we tholl on the big mat.
(We like gymnastics. We walk on the beam. We run and then we jump on the trampoline. Then we roll on the big mat.)
(We like gymnastics. We walk on the beam. We run and then we jump on the trampoline. Then we roll on the big mat.)
The Midle
Larst night I went to the Champ Pen game and I got the Midle. It was fun . My family came to woch me.
(Last night I went to the Champion game and I got in the middle. It was fun. My family came to watch me.)
(Last night I went to the Champion game and I got in the middle. It was fun. My family came to watch me.)
Thursday, August 9, 2007
At the Dentist
Today I went to the Dentist and he said I can had a sticker. But we didn't get 's
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
I am going to gymnastic with Liam and nick it is fun. we play on the beams.
kaela and Ethan and matthew w and Tom w and hamish are going too.
from katie and nick.
kaela and Ethan and matthew w and Tom w and hamish are going too.
from katie and nick.
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Monday, August 6, 2007
My Weekend
On Sunday my mun and dad went to the supermarkent .I saw Miss Steptoe they.
(On Sunday my mum abd and went to the supermarket. I saw Miss Steptoe there.)
(On Sunday my mum abd and went to the supermarket. I saw Miss Steptoe there.)
Going to the shopps
On Saturday I went to payperplas and I got a rodeswypa.
(On Saturday I went to Paper Plus and I got a road sweeper.)
(On Saturday I went to Paper Plus and I got a road sweeper.)
In the weekend
On Saturday my mum and me went shopping .We buyd a cocunut and on Sunday me and my sister ate a little bit.It is yummy .
(On Saturday my mum and I went shopping. We bought a coconut. On Sunday my sister and I ate a little bit. It was yummy.)
(On Saturday my mum and I went shopping. We bought a coconut. On Sunday my sister and I ate a little bit. It was yummy.)
Our weekend.
I went to Boston I went on Qatas I played video games I also I did mollty colored drawing.
My Weekend
I made a pichu of Miss Steptoe it was fun i made it out of. paypu i am going to tayc it for my News.
(I made a picture of Miss Steptoe, it was fun. I made it out of paper. I am going to take it for my news.)
(I made a picture of Miss Steptoe, it was fun. I made it out of paper. I am going to take it for my news.)
My Weekend
In the weekend I went to dinner on Friday night with my friends. On Saturday I baked a cake and I went shopping for some new boots for the bike. On Sunday I met my mum and my sister at a cafe. At night time I went to the supermarket and I saw Jacqueline.
Saturday, August 4, 2007
Welcome to Room 24's Blog
Welcome to Room 24's Blog Page
Watch this space for more blogging!
The children in Room 24 have been using Word during Term 1 and 2 to do their paired writing once a week. This term they will be blogging their draft writing so that students, teachers, parents, grandparents and more can enjoy reading it.
The children and I look forward to reading your comments in the near future.
Please also visit Room 24's class web page @
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